Friday, May 30, 2008

That's "Rigbys".

So, my mom just e-mailed me the address of the blog. Last night, she asked me what we should call it and I threw out a number of ideas. Amazingly, Rigby Road Trip was taken already. Now I know why. The Rigbys hit the Road is not only a mouthful to say, but it reads "The Rigby Shit the Road" if you don't know any better. I pointed that out to Mom just now and we both laughed so hard that we cried, choked and woke the baby. Ironically, we didn't shit ourselves. Probably because we are in the motel and we like to save the defecating for "the road".

Lord. That just about sums up our antics together. We're like the two stooges.

Today we went through Arkansas. Pretty place, Arkansas. Lots of cops, though. Lots. When we were getting breakfast in the motel lobby in Texadelphia this morning, I picked up a real estate brochure of the area. I can't believe the cost of property there. I don't know of any houses you could buy in Central Texas for $43,000 unless they were condemned. These had acreage and multiple bathrooms and wraparound porches. Okay, maybe not all for $43,000. That might have been the $80,000 house. But still. Mom and I decided we should get houses all across the country and be like a low-rent Brad and Angie. I can pull Paxton out of school to take him to Texadelphia for a while while I do some pet sitting there. He can learn to speak fluent Texadelphian and impress all of his friends back home with his multi-lingual capabilities.

We also breezed through most of Tennessee today. I've never been here before, but I like it. Mom kept grumbling about her hatred of Memphis based on driving through it in traffic last year. No traffic this time, though, and it's a really neat place. I like it a lot. We stopped at the welcome center just long enough for me to see what things I'd like to do there if I ever return for an actual visit.

We're in Nashville tonight and I really like it here, too. Although dinner tainted my view of it a little. The waitress at this restaurant that was essentially just a bar (we were the only ones eating food there) took Paxton from me within two minutes of meeting us and disappeared with him to show him off to the other waitresses. She was gone for an uncomfortably long time. Then Mom's pulled pork sandwich was gross. Then the waitress didn't come to our table for ages while Paxton had a meltdown. Then I went to find her and she grabbed Pax from me again as she tallied our ticket and either overcharged us or just committed another sin of charging Mom $8 for a Bud Light. Glad to be in the motel room. I feel like I have lots to do before I go to sleep, so I better close now. More tomorrow, I'm sure.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Road Trip - Day 1

Amazingly we are somewhere in Arkansas - near Arkadelphia and we are all still pretty happy. Seymour was great and didn't lick Paxton much at all. Paxton slept most of the trip. He had a couple of short melt-downs but not bad. Overall, day one has been good. The car is packed full of stuff and I'm not sure what all is in all of the bags but I'm assuming they are all necessary.

The hardest part of any road trip is getting out of Texas. Geez, it's a big state!! I figure the trip doesn't really start until day 2 when we are completely out of Texas.

We stopped at Mc D's for lunch and I put Seymour in his carrier (looks like a diaper bag with little peep holes) so we were all able to sit in the restaurant and eat. I periodically threw a bit of food in the "diaper bag" and all were happy.
We haven't found any tourist things to see yet but we did pass by Hope AR, the birthplace of Bill Clinton.

When we were driving we tried to think of what Pax can call his great grandparents. Shan call them Nana and Pappap so I figured he could call them g'nana and g'pappap. You know "g'nana, can I have a banana" (OK maybe I'm a bit tired but it was funny to us at the time)

We are quite excited that our hotel has HGTV and free wireless. It is also almost next to a Wendy's so that will be dinner - nothing but the best for us!